Written by Sarah P. Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 4:06 AM
So, only a week after I posted my blog about my financial worries God provides!
Mike and I both have the opportunity to tutor students 3 days a week after school. I think we are going to start next week. It will help us pay off our loans quicker. Maybe we could even use some of the money for fun! Imagine that!
I was reminded of Matthew 7:11 when I heard the news. I had been praying that God would open up another opportunity for us to make a little extra money.
"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
Good gifts...yes this is definitely a good gift! Thank you, God!
Written by Sarah P. Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 1:56 AM
Written by Sarah P. Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 12:11 AM
I thought it was so adorable so I took some pictures (sorry can't upload them since my recent computer problems) then went inside. A few minutes later I peeked outside my classroom door to see if they were still outside. They weren't....they were inside! They were sitting on the cafeteria chairs (I'm assuming looking for more food). I grabbed my camera again and took a few pictures. One flew off but the other hid behind the curtains. I walked over and it started to flutter about pounding on the window. Luckily there are not screens on the window so I was able to easily free it and it went flying away (hopefully to find its mate).
Later in science I handed out the students new packets for the next theme: birds. We flipped it to the first page and I read the Bible verse for them...Matthew 6:26 - Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
I almost cried on the spot as I read it. Not only because the bird sighting I had seen earlier in the day but also because concerns I've been having lately. Mike and I are not suffering financially in the least here yet money is tight. We are living on one paycheck and saving the other paycheck to send back to our bank to pay off loans. We should be able to pay off our loans by the summer as long as we keep it up...it's just hard. I was very encouraged to be reminded of this verse in light of our situation now. I know that no matter what God will provide. In less than a year we will hopefully be able to start saving money...and make a call to Dave Ramsey with those 3 wonderful words "I'M DEBT FREE!". Jesus already paid for my spiritual debt...now just to get rid of the material debt.
Written by Sarah P. Saturday, October 3, 2009 at 4:16 AM
Written by Sarah P. Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 7:11 AM
Today in church there was announcement about a giving opportunity. Each year- for a few years now- Calvary Chapel Okinawa has been partnering with Calvary Chapel Bacolod in the Philippines to give gifts to the children and staff of their children's home. There are about 150 people in all that are there (both children and staff) and our church has been able to send gifts there for Christmas (though it usually got there later than Christmas). This year they are sending out the gifts early so the gifts will get there by Christmas time.
I really wanted to give so we picked a child from the baskets they had out in the hall (we may choose an additional one next week if there are still a lot of names left). So later on tonight we are going to go shopping for little Benny (who just turned 3 this month) and try to find him something for Christmas! It was very hard just to choose one name because there were so many left in the baskets still.
If you want to know more about the ministry in Bacolod, Philippeans here is their website: http://www.ccbacolod.com/
Written by Sarah P. Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 10:04 PM
Mike and I decided to go to the food court tonight to get some dinner. We went to the Jusco food court last week so we decided to try the San-A food court (it's like a mall as well and it very close to the Jusco). I realized how many interesting places are on the road we take to get there...a lot of places I would like to go to. I only got part of the sign on this one...it says Tacos & Coffee...strange combination!
We continued to drive and I saw this adorable building!! It reminded me of my sister because my mom used to collect giraffes for her.
This one was for either a pet store or a dog grooming places...I couldn't tell but it was too cute not to take a picture of.
When we got there we walked around a little bit because it was only a little before 5 and we felt it was too early to eat dinner. Mike found some Kariyushi Wear that was on sale (some were the equivalent of $19 which is a very good price ). Kariyushi shirts look like Hawaiian style shirts. Some have flowers; some another type of decorative design. He didn't end up buying any last night...maybe some other time though. We will probably go to a used clothing store to buy clothes first before we buy anything new. We have both lost weight and our clothes are getting a little loose!
We stopped at the food court and tried our best to find something 1. We've never had before 2. We could actually explain what it was we wanted and 3. That looked tasty. I got-what they called- a cheeseburger patty. It came with cabbage salad and corn-I also bought gohan (rice) to go with it. The meat was very good...it tasted more like some sort of juicy meatloaf (which made me a little apprehensive with my wheat problems). Mike ordered some tori (chicken) that was fried. It came with soup, cabbage salad, and corn. My food was very tasty! I don't think I've regretted a food choice here yet (except for the natto that Chikako-san ordered for us to try). The natto wasn't disgusting...it just wasn't very tasty.
We walked around the rest of the mall and got a few things from the 100 yen store there. I got some nail polish remover and nail polish so I could keep up my pedicure without paying a lot of money to have someone do it for me. We stayed till about 9 pm then headed back towards the parking garage (and ice cream vending machines). There were different choices at this vending machine so Mike and I both got different ones and shared.
Written by Sarah P. Friday, September 18, 2009 at 9:13 PM
So this weekend was our no cash weekend (as far as recreation goes) so we decided to go to Taguchi Beach since Lori had taken us before and we knew that it would lead to really good pictures.
We planned to go right after lunch but the weather changed our plans. We were going to get some bentos (lunch) at Kanehede (a grocery store) but since it was raining we decided to go to Jusco (a mall) and get lunch and walk around until the rain went away. I had rice with sliced pork on top (it was yummy) with seaweed soup on the side (also yummy). For desert we got ice cream out of a vending machine.
By the time we ate and walked around the mall, most of the rain clouds were gone so we decided to go to the beach. We walked up to a cliff area above the beach (me with some apprehension after seeing signs warning that there were snakes) and Mike took some pictures.
He went a little further down the cliff but I decided to stay further up where there were more rocks to stand on and not so many bushes (I don't EVER want to come in contact with a habu snake).
We walked down from that area towards the tide pools. We saw this tree clinging to the rocks on the way there.
It started raining again so we put the camera underneath the rocky area and stood in the rain for a picture! Luckily it didn't rain for long!
See...no rain now! Behind us are some tide pools but since the tide was coming in, we didn't see much.
More photo ops :)
Off to explore! I found a few hermit crabs and a normal crab that had just molted. Nothing too interesting unfortunately.
Two of the hermit crabs I found.
These kids were jumping off the cliff that we had stood on earlier! Scary!!Going to the beach was a nice ending to a relaxing weekend. I have the next 2 weeks of school already planned so maybe we will do some exploring during this next week :)
Written by Sarah P. Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 4:07 AM
Last night we were invited to the last day of Obon at Isau-san's (my grandma's brother) house. His grandson Mizuki (who is in first grade) actually invited us because he wanted us to go to the tug-of-war that is held in front of the village center. We weren't really sure what it was (it wasn't quite translated as tug-of-war) but we were excited to have another chance to visit with them.
We got there and got to see the traditions for the last day of Obon and got to enjoy a good meal. I learned that tuna sushi is quite yummy! I told Ojisan (uncle) that it was much better than canned tuna and he thought that was pretty funny. As we were finishing dinner we heard what sounded like people clanging pots and pans. Ojisan said that the tug-of-war would be starting at 8.
We got through dinner and began dessert (mixed fruit with mochi balls) when they started walking through the streets trying to get everyones attention. They had young men in camoflauge walking through the streets holding a HUGE rope. We followed them to a big grassy area where we saw another group of men with another rope --making it extremely long! We waited for a while (for what we aren't sure) and then they finally "began". They didn't actually begin tugging but some taunting between the two groups. They picked up the ropes and would walk towards each other and shake it around. Finally they connected the ropes and the tug-of-war started...and ended in no time. I guess they had to add a lot of stuff in so it is more momentous. They did this twice that night as well as some dancing, drum playing, and running back and forth.
While there we somehow grabbed the attention of a news reporter (ok...I think it was probably because we were the ONLY white people there...I'm white enough to stand out in a crowd) who asked us to stay afterwards so he could interview us. He knew enough English to talk to us but did use Ojisan to help translate. He basically asked us what we thought of the show and whether we would join in next year- to which I pointed to my flip flops and said "Yes, with different shoes maybe" which got a laugh. Hopefully everything will be translated the right way because he asked about where we work and got our names.
It was a fun night and we were invited to call again whenever we want to visit.
Today we got up for another day of sightseeing with Rocky and the other new teachers. We went to Okinawa World and the cave today. Mike and I went last year but wanted to go again to see everything at a relaxed pace.
Written by Sarah P. Saturday, September 5, 2009 at 6:46 AM
Yesterday we went to the Futenma Flightline Fair. I really didn't know what to expect because what I had seen online just sounded like it would be a whole lot of planes and maybe some little huts where the Air Force would be sitting- it was free so I didn't expect too much. I was quite surprised and pleased with everything they had.
We got there and drove on part of the actual flightline to get to the festivities. We got there and they had to check our bags (and were suspicious of Mike's nice camera). We walked around and check out some of the planes but it was very sunny and hot! We also started watching a hot dog eating contest and were thrilled to see the clouds start to cover up the sun...and this:
After watching part of the hot dog eatinc contest I started to get a little hungry so we walked around to try and find something yummy. It was a little hard finding something that I wanted since there were a lot of things with breading but finally (after circling the tents) I picked a thing of french fries with part of a hot dog and a chicken nugget. I guess I wasn't as hungry as I thought because I only ate half of it. While eating I saw an older Okinawan man eating a hamburger with chopsticks by taking tiny bits off of it! I guess you can eat pretty much anything while using chopsticks!
After eating we walked around some until we heard the drumming of the Eisa dancers. We quickly walked over to watch the show. Most of the drummers were children (soooo adorable). I got a lot of video while Mike took pictures. There was also a Shisa and a dragon as part of the show.
The Shisa dog is well respected in Okinawa as a protector of the home. There are different folk tales about a dragon who was terrorizing the island and no one could get it to leave. Many of the stories have different story lines but basically the shisa dog was able to get the dragon to leave and never return again (you can Google it to read a more exciting story than my small summary)
Afterwards we tried out an iced coffee (should have known it wouldn't be American style) it was bitter! We met back up with Lori's family for a little bit to rest our feet....
..and Mike became the entertainment for a little bit...
....but don't worry he turned out okay :)We stayed long enough to watch the fireworks! I don't think I would have made it if the sun had been shining all day.
Written by Sarah P. Monday, August 24, 2009 at 4:08 AM