So this weekend was our no cash weekend (as far as recreation goes) so we decided to go to Taguchi Beach since Lori had taken us before and we knew that it would lead to really good pictures.
We planned to go right after lunch but the weather changed our plans. We were going to get some bentos (lunch) at Kanehede (a grocery store) but since it was raining we decided to go to Jusco (a mall) and get lunch and walk around until the rain went away. I had rice with sliced pork on top (it was yummy) with seaweed soup on the side (also yummy). For desert we got ice cream out of a vending machine.
By the time we ate and walked around the mall, most of the rain clouds were gone so we decided to go to the beach. We walked up to a cliff area above the beach (me with some apprehension after seeing signs warning that there were snakes) and Mike took some pictures.
He went a little further down the cliff but I decided to stay further up where there were more rocks to stand on and not so many bushes (I don't EVER want to come in contact with a habu snake).
We walked down from that area towards the tide pools. We saw this tree clinging to the rocks on the way there.
It started raining again so we put the camera underneath the rocky area and stood in the rain for a picture! Luckily it didn't rain for long! rain now! Behind us are some tide pools but since the tide was coming in, we didn't see much.
More photo ops :)
Off to explore! I found a few hermit crabs and a normal crab that had just molted. Nothing too interesting unfortunately.
Two of the hermit crabs I found.
These kids were jumping off the cliff that we had stood on earlier! Scary!!Going to the beach was a nice ending to a relaxing weekend. I have the next 2 weeks of school already planned so maybe we will do some exploring during this next week :)
July 5, 2011 at 9:23 AM
thank you
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