I thought it was so adorable so I took some pictures (sorry can't upload them since my recent computer problems) then went inside. A few minutes later I peeked outside my classroom door to see if they were still outside. They weren't....they were inside! They were sitting on the cafeteria chairs (I'm assuming looking for more food). I grabbed my camera again and took a few pictures. One flew off but the other hid behind the curtains. I walked over and it started to flutter about pounding on the window. Luckily there are not screens on the window so I was able to easily free it and it went flying away (hopefully to find its mate).
Later in science I handed out the students new packets for the next theme: birds. We flipped it to the first page and I read the Bible verse for them...Matthew 6:26 - Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
I almost cried on the spot as I read it. Not only because the bird sighting I had seen earlier in the day but also because concerns I've been having lately. Mike and I are not suffering financially in the least here yet money is tight. We are living on one paycheck and saving the other paycheck to send back to our bank to pay off loans. We should be able to pay off our loans by the summer as long as we keep it up...it's just hard. I was very encouraged to be reminded of this verse in light of our situation now. I know that no matter what God will provide. In less than a year we will hopefully be able to start saving money...and make a call to Dave Ramsey with those 3 wonderful words "I'M DEBT FREE!". Jesus already paid for my spiritual debt...now just to get rid of the material debt.
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